"This was my first time doing any computer programing" "I learned how to code in three different languages: HTML, Python, and Javascript" |
Research shows that girls and women, and members of other groups, are under-represented in technology fields in education and employment. Technical jobs are among the most flexible and highest- paying. Lack of economic self-sufficiency resulting from gender and other inequality in education, training and employment prevents our communities from achieving their full potential. Lack of economic, educational and employment opportunities is one of the top reasons drawing and then trapping women into unhealthy relationships, and preventing full contribution to our communities.
Economic self-sufficiency for girls and women benefits everyone as it reduces financial motivations for getting into and staying in unhealthy relationships. Everyone benefits when all people achieve proficiency in skills, including technical skills, and have access to the best jobs. Each One Teach One seeks to address the imbalance in technical education, achievement, and job prospects. E1T1 targets girls and women and members of other under-represented groups in developing communities. Both the girls and women benefit in lifting themselves beyond the limitations of gender inequality, and their communities benefit from an increase in a skilled workforce and increased employment.
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